要編輯球員所屬的隊伍,從options menu進入roster control,就可以編輯。把以下這11個人編到一個隊伍裡吧。(前面是名字,後面是他本來所屬的隊伍)
Chris Davis - Orioles
Miguel Cabrera - Tigers
Mike Trout - Angels
Felix Hernandez - Mariners
Yu Darvish - Rangers
Jose Altuve - Astros
Craig Kimbrel - Braves
David Wright - Mets
Paul Goldschmidt - Diamondbacks
Yasiel Puig - Dodgers
Stephen Strasburg - Nationals
要編輯球員的數值,從options menu進入create&edit player,把剛剛你編輯後的隊伍裡面球員的數值全部調整到最大。記得保存更改後的roster,save roster。可以再DATA UTILITY裡面的SAVE MENU找到。
最後,不要忘記調整game sliders。功能是調整比賽時AI和玩家的傾向,非常有用。這個可以在比賽前或者比賽中暫停修改。在比賽前進入OPTIONS MENU下面的USER SETTING裡面可以修改GAME SLIDERS。
Human Contact
Human Power
Human Timing
Human Solid Hits
Human Starter Stamina
Human Pitcher Control
Human Pitcher Consistency
Baserunner Speed
Baserunner Steal Ability
Baserunner Steal Frequency
Human Strike Frequency
CPU Contact
CPU Power
CPU Timing
CPU Solid Hits
CPU Pickoffs
CPU Foul Frequency
Fielder Run Speed
Fielder Reaction
Fielder Arm Strength
好,現在進入EXHIBITION GAME,選擇自己編輯好的2個隊伍,開始比賽吧。比賽中途不能換隊(SWITCH TEAMS),保存退出(SAVE AND EXIT),快進(FAST FORWARD),使用PLAYER LOCK,否則你得不到獎杯。一句話,選好隊伍開始比賽,就關注比賽吧,按部就班完成比賽。
1、Chris "Crush" Davis
Chris "Crush" Davis
In any game mode with Chris Davis, have a 2 home run, 5 RBI performance in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用CHRIS DAVIS單場打出2個全壘打,5個打點。必須在完整9局比賽完成。我上面有提到過的那些影響拿獎杯的因素都不要用。以後很多獎杯都有這個要求,後面就不一一啰嗦了。
HOME RUN是全壘打,就是把球打到場外,讓防守方拿不到球。RBI是打點,就是你這個球員打出的這一球能夠幫助球隊獲得的分數。
把CHRIS DAVIS放到第4棒(在BATTING ORDER裡面調整)。這樣安排的原因是如果前三棒都成功上壘,那麼CHRIS DAVIS第4棒上壘若打出全壘打一次可以棒球隊拿到4分,即獲得4個RBI。加油吧,用CHRIS DAVIS打出2記全壘打,並通過打擊幫助球隊拿下5分。
2、Miguel "MC Hammer" Cabrera
In any game mode with Miguel Cabrera, hit 3 home runs while having a perfect day at the plate in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用MIGUEL CABRERA單場打出三個全壘打,同時擁有100%打擊率(at bats:hits= 1:1)。
這個可能是最難得獎杯了。簡單來講,就是用MIGUEL CABRERA打出3個全壘打,同時保證100%打擊率。最簡單的辦法就是用他打出3個全壘打以後用替補把他換下直到比賽結束。
所以,編輯MIGUEAL成為第一棒,選擇作為客隊,如果他沒打出全壘打,RESTART游戲。(或者如果你有信心,他打出安打你繼續等著後面慢慢來也行)。另外,如果比賽開始後,有強風,STRONG WIND,那麼去調整SLIDER 裡面的WIND SLIDER 到最大。如果沒有遇到一個STRONG WIND的比賽,完全退出比賽再開新游戲。(RESTART GAME不會改變風力,所以要完全退出再開新游戲)。
當MIGUEL CABRERA打出三個全壘打(這位仁兄期間沒有打出其他任何球,或者打出的其他球全部是安打,at bats:hits=1:1),趕緊用替補把他換下吧,保證他別再有機會上場了。熬到比賽結束吧。
3、Mike "The Millville Meteor" Trout
In any game mode with Mike Trout, hit for the cycle and steal a base in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用MIKE TROUT單場打出一壘,二壘,三壘安打和全壘打,再盜個壘。
在MLB13裡面,我是通過手動控制球員跑壘(L1按著不動?SORRY 我忘記了)來獲得指定壘的安打。比如我擊球比較遠同時判斷不會在落地前被防守方接住,我可能會按L1(我忘記是否這個按鈕了,等我玩了我會更正)不放,控制跑壘者直接跑到3壘(因為三壘安打比較難打出,AI自己跑壘一般就二壘了。)來拿到三壘安打。一壘,二壘安打都比較好拿,全壘打也比較好拿,畢竟修改了數據。
4、"King" Felix Hernandez
In any game mode with Felix Hernandez, allow no earned runs and strike out 9 while earning the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
在單場比賽中用FELIX HERNANDEZ投球讓9個球員出局,同時保證他沒有失分並贏得比賽,。
這個應該比較簡單。用FELIX HERNANDEZ不斷的投出三振吧,9個對手球員出局應該最快在第三局結束時可以完成,注意不要用他丟分了。
5、Yu "Brother Dal" Darvish
In any game mode with Yu Darvish, throw 7 complete innings, strike out 14 en route to the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用YU DARVISH在單場比賽中投滿7局,同時讓14名打者被三振出局,並贏得比賽。
由於修改了數值,所以體力不成問題,投滿全場應該都沒問題。讓14名打者出局就是不停的三振吧,最快在第5局完成。可以把 pitching difficulty設成Rookie。
6、Jose "Gigante" Altuve
In any game mode with Jose Altuve, get 3 hits and steal 3 bases in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
在單場比賽中用JOSE ALTUVE打出3支安打,盜3個壘。
這估計是最簡單的獎杯了。JOSE ALTUVE上場時先打出安打上壘,然後盜下一壘,然後繼續。就這樣。盜壘上面好像說過,但是按鍵要驗證一下,是L1還是L2,我要玩玩才知道。
7、Craig "Blitzcraig" Kimbrel
In any game mode with Craig Kimbrel, strike out 3 batters and earn the save in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用CRAIG KIMBREL在一場比賽中作為替補投手出場,三振3名對方打者,同時守住領先獲得勝利。(SAVE的意思是:在本方領先三分或者更少,替補投手在最後一局上場防守住對方進攻,贏得比賽。或者不管本方領先多少,替補投手在最後三局上場,最後贏得比賽。)
在一場比賽滿足SAVE出現的條件下(領先三分或以下,本方開始最後一局的防守;或者不論本方領先多少,開始倒數第三局的防守),將CRAIG KIMBREL換上作為投手,守住領先優勢,獲得比賽勝利。
8、David "Captain America" Wright
In any game mode with David Wright, hit 2 doubles, a triple, and a home run in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用DAVID WRIGHT在單場比賽中打出2支二壘安打,1支三壘安打,1支全壘打。
三壘安打比較看RP,由於修改了數值,二壘和全壘打都比較容易。 建議手動控制跑壘,當打出疑似二壘安打時,按住L1或者L2(我不記得了,要查)不動,控制球員直接跑到三壘停下,故意制造出三壘安打。可以用上面提到的無限加時賽延長比賽的辦法。
9、Paul "America's First Baseman" Goldschmidt
In any game mode with Paul Goldschmidt, collect 4 hits, drive in 4 RBI, and score 4 runs in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用PAUL GOLDSCHMIDT在單場比賽中打出4記安打(包含全壘打),通過擊球得4分(RBI),通過跑壘得到4分。
建議將PAUL GOLDSCHMIDT放在第三棒,這樣他會經常上場。可以隨時通過查看球員狀況查看他是否滿足了獎杯要求。我覺得他打出4支全壘打應該就滿足了獎杯要求了。
10、Yasiel "The Wild Horse" Puig
In any game mode with Yasiel Puig, hit a double, triple, and steal 2 bases in a single game. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用YASIEL PUIG在單場比賽中打出1支二壘安打,1支三壘安打,盜2次壘。
11、Stephen "The Soul Crusher" Strasburg
In any game mode with Stephen Strasburg, strike out 12 and allow no earned runs en route to the win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
用STEPHEN STRASBURG在單場中三振出12個球員,同時不失分,獲得比賽勝利。
到這裡可能已經拿到一些獎杯了。可能“Fence Posts, Extra Win!, Walk Off”這幾個獎杯還沒拿到。EXTRA WIN和WALK OFF可以在一場比賽中拿到,選擇作為主場,然後在加時贏得比賽。FENCE POSTS這獎杯要求你每一局必須拿1分(不能多不能少)。由於VITA沒有聯機杯,這一步拿完就白金了。
1、Walk Off
In any game mode, win a game on a walk off hit. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
2、Grand Salami
In any game mode, hit a grand slam. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
In any game mode, strike out the side with the same out pitch, with the same pitcher. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
Hit back-to-back HRs in a game (excludes HRD, Practice, and RTTS modes). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
Strike out a batter looking in any game mode (excludes Practice modes). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
6、Patience is a Virtue
In any single plate appearance, see 10 or more pitches. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
Human Foul Frequency
Pitcher Consistency
Pitcher Strike Frequency
Human Contact
Human Timing
CPU Pitcher Control
7.Knock Out Punch
In any game mode, knock out the opponent's starting pitcher before the end of the 3rd inning (excludes any All-Star game). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
一開始就拼命進攻得分,爭取讓對手的教練在第三局結束前換下對方投手。可以嘗試調整SLIDER:CPU MANAGER HOOK,增加這個可以增加教練換投手的幾率。
8、Extras Win!
In any game mode, win a game in extra innings. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
9、Getting a Piece
In any mode, excluding RTTS, play an entire 9 inning game without striking out. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
10、Fence Posts
Score a single run in every inning of a full 9 inning game (excludes RTTS). Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game. Changing teams during the game or using the Quick Counts feature will invalidate this trophy.
由於改了數值,所以你很容易打出全壘打,1個人還好說,萬一壘上有人,就廢了。一開始努力先得1分,比如靠第一個人打全壘打,後面故意自殺,這樣可以保證一分。如果第一個人只打出了個某個壘的安打,那請調整一下SLIDER的HUMAN POWER,降低全壘打幾率,盡量通過安打得到1分,然後自殺。
要拿這個獎杯,你也可以編輯你的球員”POWER VS L/R" 到30左右。如果有人在壘,在比賽中調整POWER SLIDER 到1,2格的位置,如果無人在壘,就調整到最大。
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